Universities of Edinburgh buildings with history guide, Scottish Capital architecture, Lothian higher education

Universities of Edinburgh: Buildings with History in Lothian

16 Feb 2021

Universities have always been special places. Their meaning for national and international cultures, education systems, connections, and civilizational development is hard to overestimate. In Edinburgh, the huge life center of Scotland and Britain, there are four universities. All of them have a rich history, and their buildings are highly valued among architects.

Universities of Edinburgh: buildings with history

Universities of Edinburgh Buildings, Lothian

Edinburgh University

The public research University of Edinburgh became the first one established in the capital city of Scotland. The year was 1583, and it was the initiative of King Jacob VI. That’s a curious fact itself because back in those days the only person who could let universities appear officially was Pope.

Nowadays, some of the Edinburgh university buildings are parts of the Old Town. Their historical and architectural value is huge, so they are enlisted as UNESCO World Heritage objects.

Nowadays, Edinburgh University owns outstanding historical buildings and architecture memorials. The Old College is the main building of the University with the Law School and the administration officials residing there. The construction of this part of the school dates back to the late 18th century. It’s an amazing example of Gregorian architecture.

The New College is among the largest buildings here constructed in the Gothic style. It’s the place for the departments of Theology and Religious Studies.

Another building worth noting separately is the McEwan Hall. It’s a majestic example of the Italian Renaissance style. Just like all other ancient buildings, this one is in Edinburgh Old Town.

New university campuses are not far from it, too. There, the most advanced equipment is available for students to use. Among new constructions, the Edinburgh University Business School is a remarkable example of the Bauhaus (International) architecture style.

Edinburgh Airport is 20 minutes away from the campus. It takes students 5 minutes to get to local stores, hotels, gas stations, and supermarkets. Of course, the entire territory is covered with Wi-Fi access.

Heriot-Watt University

This educational establishment was founded in 1821 as the School of Arts of Edinburgh. A bit later, in 1852, its name was changed to the Watt Institution and School of Arts (James Watt was a well-known engineer and inventor from Scotland).

Then, in 1885, the Institution merged with a trust bequeathed to the local municipality by George Heriot, a financial expert and jeweler. Finally, in 1966, the Heriot-Watt College was officially granted the status of University by the Royal Charter.

Heriot-Watt University campuses are not limited to the territory of Great Britain. The establishment has buildings in Malaysia, Orkney Isles, and Dubai. It’s a well-known international education facility.

By the way, Edinburgh is among the world’s best cities for students to live in.

Queen Margaret University

It was originally established in 1875 as “the school of cookery and domestic economy” for females. Its name was given after the wife of the Scottish King Malcolm III, Saint Margaret.

The establishment grew and expanded its area of activity gradually. Finally, its officials gained the right to graduate specialists and assign degrees on their own in 1998, and the institution became a College. Nine years later, in 2007, the establishment became officially known as Queen Margaret University.

The Queen Margaret University campus is located in Musselburgh, the suburban zone of Edinburgh. A city train reaches the area in 6 minutes. The building became a campus in 2007. Before that, architects and designers did a huge job to turn abandoned agricultural areas into parks, student dorms, and modern educational buildings.

Here, the architectural solutions serve students well: the university building itself helps young people study easily, effectively, and with interest. Cosy and light audiences, interactive libraries, conference halls, and other multimedia equipment make learning really effective.

Edinburgh Napier University

It is a public university that’s the youngest one on this list. The history of Edinburgh Napier University dates back to 1964. Then, they founded the Napier Technical College with only eight hundred students. Nowadays, more than 19 thousand young people study there.

The university was named after John Napier, a famous philosopher and mathematician. Officially, the establishment gained its University status in 1992.

Napier University has three campuses: Merchiston, Sighthill, and Craiglockhart. All of them have great locations and are able to offer excellent living and studying opportunities for every student.

The Merchiston campus is worth separate attention due to its classic architecture. Still, the old-school building contains ultra-modern computer labs, TV, radio and photo, and music studios.

To Conclude

All four universities of Edinburgh are great architectural objects with a rich history. At the same time, they are outstanding educational institutions offering perfect studying possibilities to every student.

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