5 ways to make your store memorable to new customers tips, Retail sales increase advice, Shopping income help

5 Ways to Make Your Store Memorable for Customers

23 Dec 2020

With the shopping experience constantly evolving to suit the fluidity of demand, a large amount of marketplaces are focusing all of their efforts on e-commerce. In this heavily-digital age, an attractive website is important to sell well, yet nevertheless come sales season crowds flock into physical stores.

5 Ways to Make Your Store Memorable to New Customers

5 Ways to Make Your Store Memorable to New Customers

A blend of emergent retail design, technology and branding concepts is essential in order to draw customer eyes away from competitors. The tips below detail just how to accomplish this and more.

1) Understand Your Brand

You may think you have a good idea of what your brand is meant to express, yet in order to create a shopping experience true to it, a deeper dive into the brand’s meaning is a critical first step. Be aware of your goal as a collective; what you want customers to associate you with.

Write down adjectives that embody your ideal brand meaning, or collect stimulatory examples that chime with the image that you want conveyed. After finalizing a conclusion on your brand’s values in the retail sphere, it’s far easier to design a store that demonstrates them.

2) Match Design with Your Message

So you’ve reached a consensus on the ideology or concept behind your brand or store. The next step is to employ it into physical form! Gather ideas of sensory cues that mirror your brand’s concepts, and find ways to materialize them into a retail experience.

For example, if your company focuses heavily on being eco-friendly, add plants to your interior or exterior design. As well as being aesthetically appealing, the foliage can echo your brand position whilst making you stand out.

3) Streamline Spaces

The internal format of a store is arguably the most important part of retail design — even with a strong shopfront, a customer will walk right out if they enter into an unappealing interior. On top of that, the primary consideration should be how you fill or leave empty the space in your building. If there are walls which turn a larger area into something more claustrophobic for shoppers, knock them down and restore capacity. Make sure you utilize any extra floors or rooms that are available to you — there can always be a purpose for any amount of space in retail design.

4) Inject Idiosyncrasies

After developing the internal layout, start thinking of how to infuse it with aesthetics that match the aforementioned meaning of your brand. Color is forefront in consideration — try to complement your target market with materials or shades that suit it, e.g. if you are a high-end brand, luxurious palettes of monochrome, silver and gold can be a good choice.

On the other hand if your target audience are children and families, brighter, more juvenile colors will aid greatly. Materials should be taken into account for not only their look but texture — in the 21st century, retail design should be seen as an interactive, sensorial experience.

5) Tempt with Consumables/Trinkets

If your brand has completed its internal design, shopfront and store produce, a finishing touch that can guarantee a unique customer experience is to provide things to take away. These may be brand-specific items — merchandise, badges, tote bags and the like that can be affordably offered as gratuities as visitors shop.

You can even go a step further and offer water, snacks or other beverages to create a sense of comfort and brand kindness. If a customer can leave a store even more satisfied than expected, word about your brand will travel fast due to the practice of sharing unique experiences on social media.

5 Ways to Make Your Store Memorable – Bottom Line

As you can see, there are several ways to revolutionize your brand’s stores, and employing a combination of them all is an easy way to fast-track your success. Consider everything from floor to ceiling, fill your shop with interactivity and research and respond to trends or feedback.

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