Edmonstone House, Edinburgh Hospital, Estate, Image, Craigmillar

Edmonstone House Hospital Edinburgh

New building by Allan Murray Architects, Scotland

21 Sep 2006

Edmonstone House Hospital

Allan Murray Architects’ project in Edinburgh’s Green Belt


Allan Murray Architects have received Outline Planning Consent for an eighty bed private hospital within the 18th century landscape setting of the Edmonstone Estate in Edinburgh.

Edmonstone House Hospital
Edmonstone House: image from Allan Murray Architects

The hospital will create an important facility as part of the overall regeneration of the Craigmillar Country Park a concept masterplanned by Allan Murray Architects. The project will regenerate a derelict landscape within the estate including opening up public paths, repairs to the 18th century ‘ha ha’ s and management of the woodland as well as renovating and repairing the gate lodges, stable blocks and† the listed estate walls and walled garden. The proposals will also see the re-introduction of grazing to the estate as part of a†woodland and landscape management strategy by Landscape Architects Ian White Associates.

Edmonstone House Hospital Edinburgh
Edmonstone House: image from Allan Murray Architects

The facility is located minutes from the new Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and reinforces the investment by the City Council to this area.† The building sits adjacent to the site of the former Edmonstone House (demolished in the mid 20th C) and forms the new centre piece of the estate.† The hospital bedrooms are oriented to take advantage of the panoramic views to Craigmillar Castle and Arthur’s Seat. The buildings form has been determined to minimise the impact on the landscape and the existing trees as well as views across the valley. The building materials are predominantly wood and glass, harmonising with the mature woodland and suggesting a less institutional image for the hospital. The project cost is estimated at £25m.

Edmonstone Estate – Building Information

Architects: Allan Murray Architects, contact Allan Murray 0131 313 1999
Landscape Architects: Ian White Associates, contact Ian White 01786 446446
Client: Boskabelle

Edmonstone House : building PR from Allan Murray Architects 21 Sep 2006

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