Key Competencies of an HR Manager in Dubai

Key Competencies of an HR Manager and Specialized Courses in Dubai, UAE recruiting candidates tips

HR Manager and Specialized Courses in Dubai, UAE

Changing situation in the labor market Article

5 August 2019

Key Competencies of an HR Manager and Specialized Courses in Dubai

Key Competencies of an HR Manager in Dubai

HR Manager Courses in Dubai, UAE

Against the background of the changing situation in the labor market, the essence of an HR profession keeps changing. Now, the field of activity of an HR manager primarily includes the work in recruiting candidates for vacant positions, creating a rewarding and punishing system, developing and implementing a vocational training system, and even developing the corporate style of a company. HRs, in fact, make the atmosphere in the team.

Therefore, it is also the responsibility of the personnel manager to formulate and inform the employees about the goals and mission of an organization, to carry out activities that would strengthen the spirit of the company, and to open to prospects for the current position to each employee. Since the millennials are now dominating the labor market, the approaches that showed their efficiency with previous generations are now ineffective.

Therefore, for an HR manager to cope with his duties, new advanced skills and abilities are needed, and they can be obtained from courses and training where such issues as networking, communication, fundamentals of psychology, etc. are considered. You can find quite a few similar offers on the market of educational services in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

What should HR know, and what can be learned at specialized courses in the UAE?

A professional in the industry should be organized, insightful, communicative, and practical. The recruitment manager should be good at communicating with people. This communication must be as easy as possible. Therefore, HR has to be able to listen to employees, evaluate the characteristics of their behavior, be able to predict professional success, sometimes even help with some practical advice. But at the same time, such a specialist should be a good manager. Personnel managers also require authority and toughness to be able to cope with their tasks.

HR managers are expected to perform several duties:

  • Labor market analysis.
  • Recruitment, selection, and evaluation of applicants interviewing candidates.
  • Assessment and planning of personnel needs, creating a reserve of employees.
  • Development and implementation of personnel development programs, evaluation of their effectiveness.
  • Promotion of the adaptation of new employees to production activities.
  • Motivation of company employees, finding an individual approach to them.
  • Monitoring compliance with the internal rules of the enterprise, taking part in resolving labor disputes and disputes.

Also, HR should have a well-developed creative thinking, analytical mind, good memory, attention, and observation.

You can develop all these skills separately at the short courses for HRs, for example, such as these HR courses in Dubai from the Atton Institute.

In general, we can say that the work of a recruiting manager is a combination of routine and creative tasks that not everyone can handle. Using monitoring software for employees tells you exactly how your employees use their time, and allows you to get powerful data for a more productive and efficient team.

Today, there are very few highly qualified HR managers, since universities and institutes, as a rule, do not conduct specialized training for such specialists, so the main burden in their training is on specialized courses. Such training, as a rule, is conducted by a certified trainer who has practical experience in applying the proposed methods and techniques, so an investment in such training will certainly pay off with an increase in the efficiency of HR.

In Dubai, UAE, where millions of foreign specialists live and work, experience with an international team is very important for HR, such courses will be especially relevant.


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