Wauchope Square, Craigmillar Houses, Edinburgh, Building, Architect, Photo

Wauchope Square Edinburgh

Craigmillar Housing design by Elder & Cannon Architects

Wauchope Square

Located on a linear site to the east of the new joint campus for Niddrie Mill & St Francis Primary Schools, Wauchope Square Phase 7 is the second phase (so far constructed) of a substantial regeneration and redevelopment of the Craigmillar area.

Photos by Keith Hunter:

Wauchope Square Wauchope Square Craigmaillar Wauchope Square Building Wauchope Square Edinburgh

The site is located adjacent to the recently constructed primary school and creates a new mews-type street characterised by a shared surface where the new housing engages with the life of the school and enriches the newly forming community and forms a cohesive whole connecting with the existing Niddrie Mains estate.

A variety of house-types are explored within the development, varying from detached 2½ storey house units through to the reinterpretation of the traditional 4-in-a-block model and a variety of terrace units. The aim was to create new homes of individual character expressed within clearly legible whole, where a dialogue in material, colour and form is created between the housing and the new school opposite.

Interesting forms and scales are explored internally where the sections have been manipulated to provide a variety of increased ceiling heights, including 1½ storey and 2 storey high volumes.

The whole scheme responds appropriately to the masterplan, recognising and forming clearly legible street patterns, vistas and corners and engages with the new school opposite to generate a rich variety of activity around clearly defined public and private spaces.

Another Craigmillar building by Elder & Cannon Architects:

Niddrie Mill & St Francis Primary Schools
Elder & Cannon Architects

Photos by Keith Hunter:

slot view brise soleil south facade external view

Niddrie Mill & St Francis Primary Schools

Elder & Cannon

Craigmillar Buildings
Craigmillar Building
photo © Frazer Hay

Craigmillar Castle


Scottish Parliament

Missoni Hotel Edinburgh

New Town Harvey Nichols

EDI are working on massive housing plans in the area, including landscaping plans to the south-east of the ‘new’ Edinburgh Royal Infirmary

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